My Health PA Software is a technology company whose goal is to improve long term health outcomes for people with Axial Spondyloarthritis (AS) by providing tools to track every aspect of the condition, and enabling them to work with healthcare professionals to make the most informed decisions about their treatment. With a combination of validated measures, such as the Bath Indices, and custom trackers for symptoms common to axial SpA (AS), or factors known to have a bearing on the severity of symptoms, we aim to build a clear, accurate picture of how your condition has affected an individual over time.
We started in 2020, tapping into a unique combination of first-hand experience of axial SpA (AS) and extensive software development expertise, to build a focused platform, to cater to the information needs of anyone with axial SpA (AS). After first launching our website in 2020, followed in early 2021 by the My Health PA app - first on Android, then later on iOS.
We're underpinned by 3 key principles: